Monday, June 30, 2008

Rock and Bowl

I should really take my show on the road.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Little Gym, Big Fun

Tonight was my last night at The Little Gym. We had a big show so that everyone could see how much we all learned in gym class. Grandma came to watch and I think she loved it!

Here I am during my warmup.

Jumping with Daddy.

Parachute action.

I can swing on the bars all by myself!

The balance beam is my favorite.

Hiding in the donut.

Charles spotting my excellent flip.


Running down the cheese.

Another flip with Charles.



Here I am getting my award.

Some of the kids in my class.

I love gym.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I scream for ice cream

These pictures don't do it justice, but MMMMM does a chocolate Carvel cone taste better when you share it with your face, hands, arms, shirt, pants, shoes and buggy, or what??

Oh, and PS - these are the faces I make when Mommy says "Give me an ice cream smile":

She thinks that I look like my cousin Max in the last one.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pee Elmo!

So at the end of dinner tonight, I tell Mommy "Poop". She says "Do you have to poop?" and I say "Pee". She says "Pee? Do you want to pee on Elmo?" So I say "Pee Elmo." She says "Really?" and I say "Really!" She says "Right now?" and I say "Right now!" So she took me out of my highchair and I yelled "Nude Dude!" and we went into the bathroom and put Elmo on the toilet. I sat there and we looked at my penis and Mommy asked if the pee were going to come out and I said "Psssss!" She laughed and asked again and I peed!! She was SO EXCITED, so I got excited and I stopped peeing. Then I said "More!" So I peed more. Then Mommy was SO excited again, so I stopped. Then I said "More!" and I peed more. I did this a couple of times, then I got off the toilet for a minute and Mommy saw 3 drops of POOP in there, too!! I told her that I wanted to pee again, so she put me back on, but then she saw the poop I made on the floor (a big one), so I had to say "Ew." And "Cookie". Up I went again, and peed 2 more times.

I love to pee on Elmo!

Mommy and I danced to celebrate. You might notice that we have the same haircut.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cupcake face

I have no idea what Mommy's after when she says "Show me a cupcake face," but I figure this works out well enough.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Name of the Game

Some people play Chicken. Some people play Horse. I like to play Crayon. I just made this one up tonight.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

Well, not really. We went to the Big Apple Circus today and Mommy thought it was way better than Ringling, but I was feeling kind of WILD. Mommy didn't take any pictures because all I did was thrash around for 2 hours. But Sydney is hilarious.

Sydney and her Mommy and Daddy came over for dinner later. I learned that I don't like beer and I do like gyros.