Monday, November 19, 2007

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Today was a great day. I slept well enough last night - I went to bed about 8:40 and woke up scared at about 2am because I didn't know where I was! So Mommy took me into bed with her and Daddy and I had extra boobs and I was a little wild, but I went back to sleep after about an hour and woke up for good at 6:45am. Not that bad, right? Maybe I'll do better tonight.

So we got up and out early because we needed groceries since everything was closed here yesterday. I hope you like my vacation casual look.

The grocery store was really cool - there was a real live rooster hanging around outside! I told him "cacacaca" and he ran away from me.

What? I like to shop and drive.


So we had a nice breakfast back in our apartment - I had Cheerios and banana and then some blueberries for dessert. Oh, and OJ. Daddy had Crispix and so did Mommy.

So then we took a drive in the car to our favorite beach, Rum Point. I was kind of cranky on the way, so as soon as we got there, I had boobs. Mommy and I got to lie in the very hammock she used to dream about when I was a tiny baby inside her belly.

Then we all went into the water. It was totally fun, but I did like yesterday better because the water was a lot more rough.

What? I like to eat pine needles. I'm cute; I can get away with it.

Nuts for coconuts!

I don't actually like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57, a big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer. The cheeseburger plain is fine and I will take a few french fried potatoes.

Walking with my best girl by my side.

What? I love to sit on iguana statues that are covered with pictures of Haile Sellasie. Like you don't?

More walking.

I learned that birds say "tweet tweet"!

That was the big adventure part of the day; after that, it was pretty much routine. Boobs, napping, driving around, eating dinner, playing with toys, a coupla quality poops and bed.

I wonder what we'll do tomorrow!

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