Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chappy Chanukkah!

Grandma and Michael came to visit me today!! I said one of my catchphrases "Ah ah ee" and laughed and Michael did it, too, and it was SO FUNNY! It was so great to play and play with Grandma and Michael.

Then G.G. came over and I couldn't get enough of her. When Daddy came home we lit the candles for the first night of Hanukkah.

Then we had lots and lots of presents! Mommy and Daddy gave me a Chanukah bugs book - it was GREAT. And Grandma and Michael gave me a really cool shopping cart and groceries and a toolbench and a sweater and a book and lots of great stuff!

Then we went out to dinner and I loved Daddy's meatloaf until Mommy fed me some with spicy barbeque sauce on top. That tasted hurty and I cried a little and stuffed my hands in my mouth to stop the burning. Ow.

Happy Hanukkah!

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