Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hey, Hoss!

Hoping things are sprightly at your ranch, too!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Day In The Life

I like to read my cereal box when I'm snacking and shopping catalogs.

Then it's nice to eat Daddy's breakfast while I read the paper.

After getting dressed and making the bed (see last post), I like to catch a ride on my private rollercoaster.

Then I hunt for wildlife.

I like to take my ATV for a spin and run over Mommy.

More wildlife hunting, but I really don't like to get my hands dirty.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Men About the House

What's that, Daddy? You need help making the bed?

I would be happy to help. Luckily, I travel with my own lint brush.

Want to do the windows next?

Digga Digga Dee

Just one of the things I like to say.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am an adventerous eater

Mommy wanted me to try peanut butter but I wasn't really having it.

Mommy says that Amy would kill somebody to come lick it off my face. Get me a canoli and we'll talk.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hot Dog!

Another coming of age passage for me - I got to eat my first hot dog. Mommy and Daddy don't know much as it turns out - I'm the only one who knows that hot dogs taste better when consumed sideways.

I thought it was delicious.

Saturday Night Fever

Sydney came over for dinner on Saturday and I tried to impress her with my smooth moves.

Here's where I show her my tough guy face and she swoons.

By the end of the night, she had me drinking out of the palm of her hand.


Late Night with Sam Saldarelli

My new yellow table makes me look like a talk show host.

Mommy is teaching me about charisma so I can shop my reel to the majors.

Mommy forgot about Easter!

Oops! We had a lot of fun, though. Take a look!

The Peep got it in the end.

I think Mommy is delicious

But that makes her sad.