Monday, March 17, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth!

I had such a great day on Saturday! Mommy, Daddy and I went to the circus and it was SO much fun! First, Mommy wore me through the parking lot and I LOVED that - I can't wait for my new carrier to come so we can do it all the time!

Mommy and Daddy tried to sell me to the circus. Ha ha ha.

Uncle and Rachel were there, too. I spent the whole day saying "Uncle! Uncle!" I love Dave so much.

Mommy didn't take any pictures during the circus because she was too busy crying. We had the BEST seats in the entire place! I couldn't take my eyes off of all the great stuff and I sat in Mommy's lap like a big boy. We saw elephants, acrobats, tigers, dogs, a porcupine, motorcycles, clowns - it was the best!!!

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