Saturday, December 8, 2007

All Good Things

Well, today was a fun one! First off, I met Santa AND the Grinch! I didn't know they hung out together. I really loved the candy cane that Santa gave me and I LOVE talking to him. I wasn't that interested in sitting on his lap as you can see, but walking around him and stopping to tell him a few things was terrific. I also enjoyed waving at him and giving him a five.

Here's where I'm telling Santa that he did an excellent job decorating the tree and that I really love the lights.

Who IS this guy?

THEN we went to McDonald's and I got my very first Happy Meal!! I surprised Mommy and Daddy by eating a LOT of fries. They've tried to get me to like fries a bunch of times, but I never have. I didn't really eat much of my cheesburger, though; Mommy spent a LOOONG time tricking me into eating little bites.

Here's where I made up a new funny game where I take a BIIIIG drink of water and then let it spill out of my mouth. Mommy thought that it was funny at lunch, but when I did it with my yogurt drink after dinner, it wasn't as funny to her.

I got my hair cut again today and had a 3 hour nap. We ate out at the BBQ place and had Hanukkah. Now, THAT's a good day.


Unknown said...

You had a busy day! Ask Mommy to take a picture of you with your haircut!
Was the BBQ place good? I like the water running out of your mouth. It looks like so much fun!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like there are more BIG people bites from your hamburger than yours ... who could have done that???

I'm glad you like Freedom Fries....
