Friday, July 20, 2007

Where's the beef?!

I never had red meat until today and guess what! I love pastrami! Mommy and Daddy took me to Ben's for dinner. I love going to Ben's because I get to watch the fountain on the way in. Tonight it did a lot of fancy spouting. For dinner, I had about 1/3 of a matzoh ball, some pastrami, prunes and a sugar cookie. Then we watched the nerds at Barnes & Noble all dressed up to buy the last Harry Potter book. Daddy read my favorite book to me tonight (I Love You, Stinky Face) and another classic - The Monster at the End of this Book. Grover is so silly.

Oh yeah, I ate a big boy lunch today, too! I had a piece of turkey, a big bowl of rice and some peaches. Who needs baby food when you have 6 teeth?!

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